Tuesday, December 8, 2015

   I agree with Emerald in her blog, In Gov We Trust. Students go through a lot of trouble to get enough money to attend college. Not everyone can afford to go. They should still have the same requirements to be accepted so not just anyone can attend. To get accepted you must have the drive to complete your education, and that should be enough. Students shouldn't have to spend thousands of dollars because they want a better future for them and their families.
   Not only will this give everyone an equal chance to go to college, it will also decrease the poverty rate. The poor don't usually think about going to college because of the money needed but with the, "College for all Act" this will be possible for them. This will open the door of opportunity for them.

   Having free college tuition will solve many problems that the country is facing. The government spends a huge percentage of its money on welfare for the poor when it could be spending it on education so they can live the American Dream.

Monday, November 30, 2015

   Have you ever felt in so much pain that you feel ending your life would be better? This could be possible with euthanasia. Euthanasia is the killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. This is only legal in the following four states: Washington, Oregon, California, and Vermont.
   I believe that euthanasia should be legal in all the states for people who are going through so much pain. When a person who is suffering from all the pain and has a disease with only a short amount of time left to live, they should be able to decide if they want it to end sooner. In some cases patients are told that they have another two or three months to live, but take it in as bad news because that's another two or three months of pain and suffer.
   Euthanasia helps them end the pain without them have to kill themselves. We have no idea the kind of pain they are feeling, and maybe if we were in their shoes and felt what they were going through we would want the same thing. It may seem wrong to many people, but a person shouldn't have to suffer so they can live another month feeling like their life was already taken away from them. As humans we can only handle so much pain. Euthanasia can end what those sick patients are feeling.

Friday, November 13, 2015

    I believe that Michael is correct in his blog, Insight on U.S. Government. Vapes were created as alternatives for smokers to to help them quit. They are healthier for the body than actual cigarettes, and lower the chances of getting lung cancer or any other decease caused by smoking. Studies encourages any smoker to switch from cigarettes to vapes because they are 95% safer and don't contain dangerous levels of aldehydes. Taking this alternative away will cause those who use vapes to go back to cigarettes because well all know it's not easy to go back from an addiction. The American Heart Association states that e-cigarettes either do not contain or have lower levels of several tobacco-derived harmful and potentially harmful constituents compared with cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.
    There's only a few ways to look at the problem. Would the people feel more comfortable being around smokers or others who don't contain and cigarette smoke because the smoke e-cigarettes? They're odorless, much less harmless, and studies have shown how they really do help people quit smoking.

Monday, October 26, 2015

   How would you feel if you were an undocumented immigrant in the United States? I would assume not good. So why do people still do it? If you go and ask immigrants why they came you'll hear mostly one answer. For a better future for their family and so their kids don't have to go through what they did. Is it a crime to want the best for your family? Or to want the American Dream? In today's world it is in the U.S.
   I am Hispanic, and both my parents are Mexican. They came here so i could have a better future for me and my kids. Now the government want to spend 800 million dollars alone in making the boarder impossible for immigrants to cross. This shouldn't even be a problem because people come from all over the world. I've heard that Mexicans just come and steal jobs, but if they were actually good at what they do they would still have a job. It shouldn't matter where you're from. The only thing that should matter is the purpose in which you came for.
   The U.S. makes it difficult for immigrants to even contribute to the country. It is necessary to have ID card to vote and they know Mexicans, or wherever the person is won't have one. They cannot work without having a social security, and for them to get one it is not cheap. I don't agree with what the government is doing. We all deserve an equal chance to live free and happy.

Friday, October 16, 2015

    Erik Erickson, author of a blog titled, This is About Stupid Parents, Not Guns, argues that guns aren't the ones responsible when it comes to children finding their parents guns and hurting themselves or others. They're has been at last 43 instances this year where someone was shot by a toddler, and 31 out those 43, a toddler found a gun and shot himself or herself. The media is trying to intentionally talk about these stories to change the peoples minds about guns, when in reality it's just the parents being stupid.
    It is a horrible thing that happens. Erik also sates in his blog that it is preventable. He keeps his loaded guns in a place the children can not access. And those that are not loaded have bullets in one location, clips in another, and guns in another. I agree with Erik because it is common sense to hide loaded guns away from children. The only thing there is to blame are the parents.
   These cases are referred to as "accidents" in the media, but more than two-thirds of these tragedies could be avoided if gun owners stored their guns responsibly and prevented children from accessing them. The piece concludes by blaming the NRA, which actually teaches gun safety and teaches parents how to responsibly own guns. That, of course, is ignored by the left and the media. They instead need someone to blame. Many responsible gun owners are going to be affected by this because stupid people simply don't know how to handle guns.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

      Bill Hammond, CEO of Texas Association of Business argues in the Real Cost on Education that we should think about more than just raising the fund for education. In his article he states that purpose for increasing the fund is to have more people at the college ready level. The college readiness level of high school in Texas is pitifully low. Only twenty-seven percent of graduates meet the readiness standards for all subjects. I completely agree with Bill because many students don't take education seriously. The plaintiffs in the schools finance claims that with more money they can provide what it takes to fulfill the college ready policies. The only problem is that the college readiness policies no longer exist. There is no basis for their argument that they need more money to meet policies that they were successful in doing away with over the last two legislative session.
      Schools in Texas should've taken this seriously from the beginning. They need to figure out a way to make students interested in learning to boost their performance. Maybe more technology and resources can help with that, or having extra classes. Every year more and more students drop out of college because high school didn't get them at the level that they were supposed to be at. Bill also talks about reducing the bill for tax payers funding the schools. For example, there is no longer 15 end of course exams, but only 5, and the court ought to examine that for cost savings and reduce the bill.

Friday, September 18, 2015

In the article High-speed police chases, you can read about the thousands of lives lost while a police officer is in pursuit of someone who only ran a red light, or stole a $20 dollar t-shirt. When a police officer begins to chase a car, the chances of someone getting hurt or killed increases for the reason that there is now more cars going way above the speed limit. Many of the victims are children, young teens, and elderly who can't react fast enough to a situation like that. Police officers are meant to keep the people safe, not put their lives at risk. Is putting a shoplifter more important than saving lives? It was such an interesting article and it taught me the effects of a police chase.